Cut Out

Three screen video installation
Duration: 04:10
Date: 11/2022

“Cut Out” reflects on the distorted perception of reality as a constructed set of situations through a collection of visual studies of the body and its projection in space. It questions what makes a set of circumstances to be defined as real and investigates how the subjectivity of the point of view affects our understanding of a designed situation.
How can we trust what we see if it is just a cut out scene from the totality of existence? How do we define the subject of observation? Where does a body end and the rest begin? Are there lines or are we just undefined background noise?

The three channel video installation proposes three simultaneous visions of the same situation exploring it from different points of view through different lenses.
Dislocated bodies, masses as shapes, shadows as mutating surfaces; everything becomes noise if we look close enough.

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