Artificial Choice
Multimedia sound installation
Location: Farnham studios, UK
Date: 04/2020
Within the wider context of miscommunication, the installation specifically concentrates on the lack of intercommunication among human and non-human and the botanical world. The work revolves around ideas expressed in the writings of Roy Ascott and David Dunn, as well as a few essays by Heinz Von Foester and Claude E. Shannon about the existing problems in communication. For this piece in particular, the artist has been reflecting on “music, language and environment” by David Dunn and the concept of “behavioural art” described by Roy Ascott in “Telematic Embrace”.
The Installation responds to the miscommunication between the coexisting systems of humans and nature, and reflects on the incomprehension among those two as a consequence that most people are not educated to non-human languages.
The piece develops on two parallel sound channels: a chainsaw mixdown played by speakers and a steel tongue bell melody, playing a Morse code message through headphones. The viewer has the possibility to chose what to listen to by either putting the headphones on or not.
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