Experimental Projections
Performance, video installation
Location: Meda studio, IT
Date: 07/2019
This experimental piece develops as a result of my researches into the media of projections and my willingness to familiarize with this process, new to me. Taking as a starting point an old technique popular in the 70s liquid light shows, my initial intent was to convert sounds into visual images, live, and to do so by hand, as if my person was operating as a translator between the two media.
At the end the performative quality of the piece got lost in the process and what people actually viewed was a visual representation of a pre-made sound piece, based on field recordings of a place that makes me feel at ease.
I wanted the sounds to guide my movements and those of the water in order to create this immersive installation, in which the public could lie down, take a breath from the rush of the daily life and just enjoy the experience.